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Hot and Happy

So I think mother nature thought, what the hell, why make it 38 degrees, when I can do 40(104F)?
Despite the sweltering heat I managed a day of op-shopping and proudly present my findings. If I told you which shops they would be plundered and alas I would have nothing to write about, but I can tell you all of it is from the Salvation Army.
The coat is pure wool, fully lined and cost me all of $8.75.
Black and white dress is begging to be worn with opaques and a trench but I'm not even going to attempt it in the name of fashion in this heat. Stay tuned for the winter version. It was $5.75
Maxi dress is actually a lame fabric which you can't see from the pictures and is silver/black and white tones. I'm throwing a cocktail party in it's honour, I think it deserves one. $10.75.
Black crepe shell dress is a label called Elle B which was suiting diffusion line that Sportsgirl ran in the nineties. It was all made in Australia of very fine fabrics and was surprisingly well priced. Unheard of these days. Anyhow, perfect for work, weddings, funerals, races. $8.75
Floral skirt is vintage Miss Selfridges and has a lovely ruching detail on the hip that because of the print is virtually impossible to capture on film. It was reduced for no apparently reason to $2.75. I didn't ask, I just bought.
Patent bag was $5.

My normal high res camera is being repaired so these were taken using s 3.2 mega pixel camera and lots of flash. Please forgive me!



Sheri said...

I love the houndstooth jacket Lady M! gorgeous finds, I wish I could find stuff like that :)

and snaps on the dress in the previous post (the one from cocolatte in melb central) - I have that in the orange version :D

emsydo said...

ahh,, good old salvos.
those items are mega bargainous!
and surprisingly pretty by the way.