Every customer who makes a purchase at Gorman’s throughout December will be presented with a bar of Green & Black’s organic chocolate. Hidden amongst the samples, are five lucky tickets, for the chance to win the ultimate wardrobe; $1500 of Gorman vouchers and a gourmet hamper chocked full of Green & Black’s chocolates.
As part of the collaboration, bespoke Christmas tree installations decorated with handcrafted ornaments from recycled Green & Black’s wrapping will appear in Gorman boutique windows across Australia this Christmas.
Suffice to say, my Christmas dollars have quite possibly been spent trying to win myself some chocolate!

How fun!! :D Good luck finding your golden ticket!
How clever! Too bad I'm not in Melbourne. So, did u win?
I have to admit I haven't tried organic chocolate before...is it any sweeter? hehehehe... This competition sounds fun indeed :)
I love organic chocolate and I've always wanted to sing "i've got a golden ticket" in the correct context. HEHEH
My gorgeous boyfriend brought me home a wooden clutch from Gorman today! Christmas came early. He fessed up that he ate the chocolate...no golden ticket though. I feel like I won anyway.... Merry Christmas Lady M.xx
I bought stuff and got chocolate too! No luck with the ticket though. Oh wells
If Cadbury did this, I'd be guaranteed to win!
Green and Black chcoclate is amazing! I am very much addicted to it :)
There's a Butterscotch flavour? Really. Oh, lordy, died and went to heaven. I am not a chocolate fan, as it so happens, but the caramel buds have gone off in past years and the thought of Green&Blacks making a Butterscotch has sent me weak at the knees. Oh Merry Days indeed.
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