Mother Melbourne bought me this fan to use when it's hot and I usually forget to take it anywhere useful with me, but it makes quite a good prop if I do say so myself.
I braved the sales today with His Lordship but most of the shelves had been ravaged on boxing day and there was seldom little left but XL's and weary looking sales assistants. I got a pair of grey jeans and a lovely silk top from Country Road and am on the hunt for a killer necklace to wear to a wedding next week. Something in amethyst, something show stopping, something that sparkles. I found a necklace in Swarovski for $1000 but I don't have $1000 and even if I did I wouldn't spend it on a necklace. I could make it myself and that's my problem-it's the first thing I think when I shop for accessories.

Gorgeous image.
I was going to brave the sales tomorrow, but by the sounds of it, it will be slim pickings. Tis always the way.
fantastic, fantastic earrings such a statement!
Wooow these pictures sound very "Haughty Femme Fatale escaped from a Vintage movie" Indeed, AND this so sensuous/ caressing play of light and shadows on your naked skin . . . as Always Bewitching !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
Hello Lady M.
You do not need $1000 to have a gorgeous necklace! Come and see our nice and pretty fine jewelry. Shop will re open january 6th with beautiful necklaces, earrings and bracelets made with swarosvki crystal and pearls, sterling silver, gold and semi precious stones from Brazil. I would love to send you a necklace (it is Xmas time and I thought to pick one fashion bloggers from my list to send a gift... I would be honored if you accept it!)
Stunning dress!
wow, you look so so stunning, dear! Love these photos<3
The sales were difficult this year, weren't they? I managed to find some dresses, but it was hard! Everything was so picked over by the time I got to the shops!
Gorgeous dress
Beautiful photos!
Can't believe it was hot in Melb while I was in Sydney braving the cold and rain... :(
try this blog i think its great http://styleovercast.blogspot.com
Wonderful pictures, they are so dramatic.
Good luck on your necklace hunt!
Only XL's left! We need to trade places as I can never find the L's & XL's I need - only smaller sizes. Ahh - the sales. Such a love/hate relationship!
You look beautiful in those photo's. Very alluring.
lovely fan.
& love the pink lipstick!
Very summery.
This dress is so beautiful! Love the photos too :)
WOW look at those colours. I'm loving it. Gorgeous dress LM!!
A beautiful necklace from B too, lucky you.
PS If you do decide to carry that fan with you next time...take care, they tend to break easily!
beautiful like a true lady :D x
Breathtaking pic, and the dress is simply gorgeous too!
you're so looooooovely. i have a fan somewhere in my room that i bought at a victorian museum years ago but i don't know where it is! this photo makes me want to discover it again. ^_^
love, dayna
georgous dress. loving the words.
Beautiful photos, you look stunning!
Now THESE are the kind of pictures you save forever and show your kids when you're old and say,
'That's me when I was your age! Wasn't I a dish?'
is there nothing you don't look good in Phoebe? x
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