I love outfits like this because I feel so comfortable wearing them. The simplicity and equality of black and white makes me feel almost secure in a crazy Karl Largerfeld kind of way.
I thought it might be a good way to start the week off.
This is the only pair of high waisted pants I own and even though I've had them for a while I still can't decide whether I like them. I wear them because they lend themselves to the look I'm trying to achieve, but at the same time there is something about them that makes me go,'hhhmmm Lady Melbourne, are you sure?'
Anyhow, it's a nice juxtaposition to how much I love black and white so I suppose in the end it all evens out.
Heels: ebay
Pants: Cue
Shirt: Vintage Lady Pelaco
Scarf: Episode
oh yeah i'm really feeling the Karl Lagerfeld vibes! that blouse is amazing. i guess the high collar/neck would make you feel very safe and secure.
This is in relation to your post of 3 october. I only read it today, and could not let it go uncommented on. I am sorry if this sounds harsh but I really think you need to hear it.
i always liked your blog and read it often, but am truly horrified at your narrow-minded, elitist, uncaring, and frankly cruel description of your encounter with the 'junkie'.
Is this honestly the most confronting experience of your life? you REALLY need to get out more. You know, like maybe get off your couch, out of your house and actually DO something as opposed to poncing around your flat (yeah thats right, not 'mannor') in your (often dull) outfits? You know if you actually spoke to this man you might have found that he had something interesting to say.
It has always angered me when people assume that a love of clothes and style is indicative of a shallowness. I have never seen the connection. I have always seen it as in individual expression, a love for creating a beautiful image to present to the world. But you really undermine this idea and present a blog pandering to a conservative, elitist mentality; not even though your clothing choices but rather through your outdated, classist language and ideas.
Did you ever think that this was a MAN. Yes, a human being who (even if he couldn't gain your compassion) might at least deserve to be treated with a small amount of respect and dignity? what exactly was it you wanted? Reading between the lines of your post it sounds as though you wanted him to apologise for his existence, for nothing more than his proximity to you. What makes you so superior to this man anyway? it cant be your intelligence.
I live in Melbourne and have always been proud of our tolerance. Well done for taking us back to the mentality of the 50s.
If i had a choice between chatting to you or your assailant, I'd choose your assailant in an instant. He sounds far more sane and sensible than yourself. I bet he was better dressed too.
I love it when people are not brave enough to put names on their negative comments.
I love this blouse. And I think the high waisted pants are a keeper, even if you only bring them out occasionally.
I think these high-waisted trousers look amazing on you!
I agree with Shannon, why hide behind anonymity if you feel so strongly mr/ms anon?
LM- I love the high waisted pants, I think they're a great balance against the ruffles on the blouse.
I love the pants, I think they look stunning!
you pull of high waisted pants beautifully:) i love those shoes, i dno if you saw on my earlier posts but i got them too! was so inspired by you haha
What a cowardly thing it is to hide behind an anon!
You look lovely, very elegant in those trousers!
Wow Lady M! You know you're really making an impact when you get anonymously posting yellow-bellies calling you out on your morals, social agendas and style.
Anonyomus, darling, did you consider that perhaps, just perhaps, you need to take any of our blogs with a grain of salt?
This is exactly the reason good blogs get turned to private, you hollier-than thou parascite!
Lady M: Those high-waisted pants are not my favourite, but you do have killer stems so you can carry them off!
I've never posted before, but I do want to say I love your outfits.
Ignore the anonymouse. It's easy to criticize if you don't have to put down your name.
I thought anonympus posts were usually from people, such as myself,who do not have a blog or a URL...
wow. talk about unleashing the masses! didnt mean to offend anyone (too much) but i thought it needed to be said.
grant, you say i need to take the blog with 'a grain of salt', but im not quite sure what you are implying here. are you saying that the post i refer to is intented to be ironic? cos i went back and re-read it and fail to see any humour in it. Of course, it is equally possible that I am a humourless sanctimonous coward and am just unable to appreciate it. If this is the case, please enlighten me.
Instead to attacking me for being anonymous, why not attack me for what I am saying? I can only assume that people are responding only to my anonyminity because they are unable to respond to the substance of my comment. Is this because a) you agree with me or b) you disagree but are unable to justify the desire to assault a vagrant with a stiletto?
(for the record i am anonymous because i dont have a blog or URL, that is correct.)
Love the blouse! It is so frilly and romantic and gorgeousness...
Ignore nay-sayers Lady Melbourne, they've missed the point of your wonderful blog entirely. I adore your blog, you look amazing, never stop. I can't wait for the next episode of Lady Melbourne TV.
As one who works with the homeless (and disabled) on a daily basis when not working at our online business, I didn’t find your post offensive at all. I just recently found your blog and find it refreshing, with a very creative spin to it. Love your outfit. Very Kate Hepburn.
I do love high waisted pants and think it looks great on you, especially with this shoes and blouse.
Love high waisted pants on you! You have the perfect figure to wear them ( long legs!) and you have styled them perfectly too :)
A very powerful, chic, sharp outfit.
I love the high waisted pants! I think they look great.
And I LOVE the tone of your blog, it always makes me smile. :D
Those pants suit you perfectly. They're a good cut for you, personally, and they're great with the rest of the pieces you're wearing.
really..what are you expecting a normal person to do in Lady M situation? There is a junkie or homeless lookalike, and you want people to stop, pity them, and make friends and listen to his/her life story? You would actually do that if you come accross every single one of them?
I think you are the one who is being narrow minded in this situation.
People are different. If someone does not try to have a chat and make friends with a junkie they meet, that does not mean that person is narrow minded or elitist!
Most people would probably be cautious. What if...(for e.g.) that junkie is distracting you and trying to rob you? That could certainly happen! And I definitely have had experience in that.
I think you are trying to be thoughtful, sensitive..but that does not work for me. You sound like a narrow minded person and you think you are a saint.
Those pants make your legs look miles and miles long!
Perfect outfit, I love the colours and you look just stunning.
Lovely Blouse
but who ever cut your fringe should be shot.
i love everything about this look!!! and you must keep those trousers they are amazing!!!
so crisp and gorgeous!
No need for doubts. You look stunning!
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