I hadn't checked my PO BOX for a while and was thrilled when I did the other day to find it stuffed full of wonderful packages.
The Hanging Space sent me this darling vintage dress as a surprise and I think it's fab. Their website stocks Australian and vintage labels with a nice mix of accessories as well.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Then I opened up a rather slick envelope from Mag Nation to find this: I also have some movie tickets to give away as well to the latest Jane Campion film, 'Bright Star' staring our own Abbie Cornish.
So I thought as it's the new year what better way than to put it all together as a give-away to say thanks for all your support in 2009.
All you have to do is leave a comment, comp closes this Friday 8th January AEST.
3 runners up will each win a double pass to see the film as well!
You will receive:
One vintage dress, no tags so no size but if you think we look the same it will fit. Precise, no?!
Two x $5 vouchers to Mag Nation stores valid in Australia and New Zealand. Check out their website for locations.
One double pass to see 'Bright Star' at participating cinemas Australia wide.

Bright star looks like a great movie!! I cant wait to see it.
That dress looks fab, and I can't wait to watch Bright Star as well!
lm you're so generous, you receive freebies and you make giveaways out of them! thanks so much!
Who doesn't love parcels or giveaways?
Thanks Lady Melb!
Fantastic! What a fabulous bundle! But thank you for sharing yourself with us over the year! It is delight to find a new post from Lady Melbourne!! xo
What a great give away!
I'm eagerly looking forward to Bright star!
Too cute! I love your blog and someday soon I shall start getting around melbourne more myself!! Thanks for all the inspiration in 2009!! xoxo
hi lady melbourne!
glad i'm not the only one who doesn't check my po box very much!
have just started following your blog and enjoy reading it. thanks!
I would love to win please. Pick me!
That dress looks so lovely on you - perfect for summer arvo's in the park, drinking jugs of pimms.
Yes please! Although if I were you I'd have trouble giving away a dress that looked so beautiful on me ...
Loving the look of Bright Star... Thanks for the offer of this great giveaway :)
so nice of you to give away your gifts!
happy new year LM!
What a great trip to the post office! Love the dress.
What a lovely way to start the year! Thanks Lady M and all the best for continued success in 2010!
Anthea x
Ohh I have lots of vintage jewellery but no vintage dresses! The one you have there has gorgeous colours!
what a lovely giveaway.
and such a pretty dress.
Love the dress , it looks like it would be great for those hot Melbourne nights :)
Beauty is truth, truth beauty - that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
~ "Ode on a Grecian Urn", John Keats
That is a lovely dress,
and the movie looks great :)
Happy New Year Lady M!
Gorgeous dress = )
I really enjoy your blog, its lovely to find new posts.
Happy New Year!
I definitely want to see Bright Star. We studied The Piano in English this year, and I love Jane Campion's style! I hope the wardrobe and music is as good as it was in The Piano.
I loved all those hoop skirts and bonnets!
What a yummy dress!
lovely dress! you look great in it. i've never heard of bright star! but if everyone says they want to see it, it must be good... i should check it out. what a great giveaway! you're so generous. so cute.
love, dayna
Happy new Year to you! Pretty dress. Pity I don't live down under. But I always like to participate in your giveaways so just maybe, I might get a freebie one day. Never got a dress for free!!! Have a superb year, with lots of love, health & beautiful things & people surrounding you.
I hope you'll pick my entry. I hope you'll pick my entry. I hope you'll pick my entry. I hope you'll pick my entry. I hope you'll pick my entry.
That dress is perfection. That dress is perfection. That dress is perfection. That dress is perfection. That dress is perfection.
Somehow, I think that chanting these phrases will enable a lucky win. :)
I've never received a random dress in the mail. You are a lucky girl! You look fab in it as well.
Happy New Year!
Would love the dress! As for the tix ~ I'm all the way in Singapore, Boohoo.
too bad i don't live in Australia.
good luck to those who win.
happy new year!
love love love your blog, any news on the 2threads comp yet??? the hanging space is such a great website, i go to their markets whenever i get a chance! happy new year, may lady melbourne have a year filled with much more success, you deserve it! xo
wow talk about generous.
what a nice act of kindness, wish all the best for this year.
Happy New Year Lady Melbourne and thanks for giving great stuff away!
Jetsetting Joyce
Hi Lady Melbourne - Happy New Year!
I love reading your blog. thanks for all the inspiration
Oh, I've just been trying to negotiate when I can get to the cinema to see Bright Star!
Big crush on the dress too....!
lovely dress!
Oh lovely :) great way to start 2009!
Ah! Mag Nation!!! LOVE Mag Nation! I always spend way too much time in there, when I'm in the city!! :P
Thanks Lady Melbourne =)
Happy new year!
That floral dress looks so pretty & floaty. Happy New Year, Lady M. :)
I love Abie Cornish! Lovely dress too :) Happy New Year Phoebe! xx
Happy 2010 :)
Thank you for always keeping us entertained!
Love the pattern of the dress!
No amount of email and blogging can ever replace the thrill of finding parcels in the PO Box, or mail box in my case. Always a thrill. Do you remember that book, Free Stuff For Kids. I love that book. A generous giveaway is a great way to start the new year. Thank you.
Hi LM,
Just started following your blog the past few weeks and am enjoying it very much; you represent my beloved Melbourne's warmth and elegance perfectly. Mag nation is like a vortex on the street! Everytime I'm on Elizabeth St. that place just sucks me in!!
You are a generous girl. My day isn't complete without checking out your blog, it's taken me to lots of other great sites.
Happy new Year!
Oh Gosh - That dress is sooo pretty. Thank you for being so generous - and just after Christmas too!
cant wait to see bright star! looks amazing!
wow - I've been wanting to find a light floral dress for the warmer months and that looks beautiful...
Thanks for the giveaway! Hope u had a great NY celebration :)
What a great way to start 1010! love the dress!
oh that dress is adorable! mag nation is amazing too. love it!
very adorable dress ineeded !
Geez you really are one popular little lady, pressie's in the mail, endless adoration from your fans, bringing a little light into someone's day, good on you and hope you continue on in 2010
from one little fish in a very large pond!
sleekit x
The dress is stunning, as are your photos (as always)!
I've heard great reviews about Bright Star and am looking forward to seeing it.
ohhh id love to receive some happy mail - pick me pick me!!
thanks for the chance to win...everything looks lovely!
Very cute dress, love a nice floral. Have been waiting to see Bright Star - love Abbie Cornish.
M x
Lovely giveaway!
Isa ♥
Fab giveaway. I'll throw my hat in the ring. xx
Bright Star looks like a gorgeous movie to see!
With Love, LM
that dress is a beauty :)
Oh gorgeous dress and I would love to see Bright Star. Thanks for running this comp! :-)
oOoo totally want that dress! And also dying to see Bright Star (although Abbie Cornish annoys me greatly)!
My goodness! I can't believe you are giving all that away. You are the most generous soul.
You are my fashion inspiration every day.
thank-you for running this competition, the perfect way to start the year :)
My goodness. The dress is just stunning.
Bright Star looks amazing, there is a point in the trailer were Keats says “There is a holiness to the heart’s affections you know nothing about.” where I just want to squeal like a teenager again. My heart stops.
What a fun give away for the start of a new year - happy new year to you!
wow LM, your giving away such wonderful treats.... a new dress, a magazine & a trip to the movies!
happy new year!
lulki xxx
I'd love to enter the competition (I'm a big fan of mag nation).
Happy New Year,
Mandy (onlinetutorhelp@gmail.com)
i love mag nation and i love pretty dresses! would totally make my day so here's hoping!! x
How nice to still get old fashion mail :) While I love email a letter or parcel in the mail wins hands down!
That is kind of you to give away that dress when it looks stunning on you! After spending Christmas in minus fifteen degrees (and sometimes even colder!!) I am so excited to return to dress-wearing, sunscreen-smelling and sandal-friendly Australia! Another dress and a good movie wouldn't hurt either, so count me in;)
Happy New Year... The dress looks great!
*sigh* what a super cute dress. i love it.
cute cute cute cute cute dress. The print would actually look great as pillow cases I think!
ooh great giveaway!
the dress looks lovely :)
My heart just stopped. That dress looks breathtaking on you...I adore it! xx
I wannna be at the giveaway!
many kisses LM!
I have been following your blog for sometime now and admittedly I'm obsessed... Keep up the great work LM!
Lady Melbs I am a fashion tragic so have signed up to follow your blog for guidance and inspiration!! Now you are giving away prizes? What more could a girl want?!
Brightstar looks like a lovely movie
thanks for the freebies LM!
Do want! Brightstar is by all accounts sounding wonderful, not to mention sitting in an airconditioned cinema, haha!
Bright Star > Brilliant cinematography, outstanding acting and delightful fashion. I'd love to see it again xx
Floral dresses, magazines and a great movie, what more could a girl ask for? Thanks Lady Melbourne!
Love the colours in the dress... gorgeous!!
I've been wanting to see that movie. Great dress, too! Annie.
OOOH! Am I too late?!
Do you read ALL the comments? Is there a particular type of comment I should leave? I like that your blog inspires me to try different things with my wardrobe. On another note, I was a little disappointed with the Sartorialist in Melbourne... I think there are a range of stylish Melbournites and he only photographed a few. In my humble opinion anyway.
I can't wait to go see Bright Star! And the colours on that dress are beautiful xx
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