His Lordship just got back from Canada, and apart from some lovely duty free YSL products(my faaaav!) I got this t-shirt. I freaking love it.
Anchor Man is one of my favourite movies and any excuse I have to use a Ron Burgundy quote, you can pretty much be assured I will use it.
I couldn't believe how beautiful Canada was in winter, I've never been to Canada but judging by the pictures I've seen, Toronto amongst many other cities is now on my destination hit list for my next trip.
Ron Burgundy: I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal.
Veronica Corningstone: Really.
Ron Burgundy: People know me.
Veronica Corningstone: Well, I'm very happy for you.
Ron Burgundy: I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

That's such an awesome t-shirt!
My fave: "If at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way your wife told you."
Mind you, that's a pretty sweet tee.
Lovely tee I must say, miss! I can't believe I haven't watched Anchor Man yet! Will definetly watch it tonight :) If you haven't already, you should check out Vancouver too. It's pretty nice here too. :3
So cute! I am from Vancouver but Toronto is where I want to go! There are also a ton of vintage shops!
anchorman is the best!
i must pull the dvd out again sometime soon!
i really like the crystal wear you scored.
i never thought to try savers or an op shop so thank you for the idea!
That shirt is awesome! :D I still haven't seen all of Anchor Man, only part of it. I should rent it soon! :)
The slogan tee could be up for a revival. I challenge you to see how many outfits you can work with that tee, take the challenge, Ron Burgundy would.
Sleekit x
Yay! I'm from Toronto, but I've been living in Melbourne for the past year. Go visit! It's an amazing city.
Fab t-shirt. May I ask what shade of nailpolish you are wearing? It looks rather Dita-ish.
Love it!
"I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany." You have no diea how much I wanted to go out and buy a load of leather bound books after watching it.
I have to admit that I siply cannot stand Wil Ferrel. The only thing I can stomach him in is the remake of 'The Producers'.
So, to me this T-shirt is funny because you ARE kind of a big deal :3
Hahahh you're so cute here.
Canada is beautiful in summer too...my fav...Victoria Island. Love the tee, gorgeous colour on you.
Cool t-shirt! I love Anchorman and Will Ferrell in general!
Great tee! I love Canada, I have only been to Quebec but it was absolutely wonderful. Would love to go back and see more of Canada!
As lovely as the posed photos fashion blogs have are, ones like this make me smile the most! So much fun!
Hahaha Anchorman is the best... "9 out of 10 times it works, everytime."
Cute tee!
And if you come to Canada, don't just visit Toronto. It's lovely, but the east coast is positively amazing. (Of course, I am bit biased.)
Haha, you're so cute! My boyfriend would give his arm for that t-shirt!
hilarious! thanks for posting the full quote/conversation from the movie. Made my morning.
lol I love the movie!
The fight scene is the best! and the 'Jazz flute' lol
lovely tshirt.
would love if you had the time to drop by my blog!
Too funny!
you are a big deal LM! fantastic photos! xx
Ha yes that is fantastic! What a cute shirt defiately a winner.
Cute shirt!
Cute shirt!
you look so cute! ")
Love that movie!!!
Thanks for stopping by San Diego... I'm Veronica Corningstone.
it's so hot- milk was a bad choice!!!!
LOOOOVE anchor man- i used to work at a newspaper and so many of the editors thaough they were kind of a bid deal!
Ha ha ha, you guys are hilarious!! So glad you get it and I love your favourite quotes as well. keep them coming.
Wow, I love your nail colour! May I know what brand and shade is that?
Love the t-shirt. Also love your eyeliner in these photos, just gorgeous.
Love anchor man, love the shirt :)
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