Dear Lady M,
Would you like to come and tour the styling suite at Westfield Doncaster and have a shopping spree on us?
Love Westfield
Dear Westfield,
Ah, can you like, read my mind? Do you know what I dream about at night?! I would love to come but just one thing, how about giving my readers a $250 shopping spree and 2 hours in the styling suite with one of your stylists?
Love Lady M
Dear Lady M,
So went the correspondence between me and some very hard working people behind the scenes to present to you a little competition to win a $250 Westfield gift card, and a styling session with Lucy Kiraly worth $250 in the totally exclusive styling suite, the total prize worth $500.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me how long Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry(yes, I've made it that easy for you!).
Best of luck dear readers, I hope you have as much fun as I did shopping and hanging out in the lap of luxury for a day.
The styling suite at Westfield Doncaster.
Boring stuff:
Comp closes at 5pm AEST Wednesday 27th January.
The prize is to be redeemed on Sunday January 31st. The styling session will be held between 1pm and 3pm in the styling suite with Lucy Kiraly.
The winner must be in Melbourne on this date.
Total prize is worth $500 and is not redeemable for cash.
Open to all ages.

This is me, leaving a comment.
Sounded funny when I said it in my head, not as funny as I typed it. HAHA
Lucy's been in the industry for 30 years!
Love the photos, and would love the chance to be there!!
Dearest Lady M,
Aren't you a sweetheart for this giveaway!
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years!
Thanks, LM. You're a gem.
- Lola.
What an amazing prize!
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years.
Thirty years in the fashion industry. My oh my she doesn't look a day over 21! Thank you Lady M for bringing this fab comp to us, your loyal subjects xx
Dearest Lady M,
What a fab competition!!
Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for a big 30 years.
Thank you for providing such a wonderful (and generous) blog.
Love a fellow melbournian,
Emma x
she's been in the industry 30 years the lucky duck!
on another note i don't think i've ever commented on your blog before, but have always wanted to thank you for creating suck witty, fun and nessacery reading!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years :) What an exciting competition!!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years! xo
Wow the seyling suite is such a beautiful space!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
I would actually die of excitement if i won this. It is the most amazing reader comp EVER !!!!
I'm so excited about this comp so I'm glad to hear you all are too. It's so much fun to be able to do this kind of thing!
One year longer than I've been alive! 30 years! I would love to win this competition. I'm really struggling to find myself and my style at the moment. This would be perfect! =)
Oooh, exciting!
Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years.
what a great giveaway!!
30 years~
Dear Lady M,
Thanks for sharing the goodness. This is me, leaving a comment that Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years.
Thanks again!
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years. Thank you for bagging this one for us Lady M.
Thirty years!
What a great contest :-)
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years :)
good luck, everyone!
very exciting! and the room looks amazing. lucy kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years.
i want to live in that styling suite!
and lucy has been in the fasion industry for 30 years
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years!
Thanks...I really need help with my wardrobe!
30 years :)
Love this, it is so gorgeous! Why don't we have this in Brisbane?
ohh what a fantastic giveaway! and that styling suite looks beautiful.
lucy has been in the biz for 30 years.
exciting! i'm crossing my fingers for luck :)
30 years.. =)
this is so exciting!! Thanks Lady M!!
30 years <3
Gosh, she's someone I think I'm beginning to admire. XD
Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years! x
You sure do look after your readers Lady M!
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years.
thirty years is a long time to be involved in the fashion industry!
how exciting, LM!
Thirty years she's been in the industry - woah!
You are a very generous girl =)
Can she do anything with a 6 month pregnant lady?!
And of course Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years WOW!
Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
Thank you Lady M - always a pleasure.
Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for 30 years
Thanks! *Fingers crossed*
A big 3-0! Thrty years of fashion, isn't that every fashion blogger's dream? I am so excited about this competition! I think you are wonderful and so unselfish; when different companies and people approach you, you always think of your fans and make sure we get a piece of the cake. Bless you Lady Mlebourne!
ooh! What a wonderful prize! Thanks Lady M!
30 years in the industry... Wheee!
Great giveaway :)
Oh... and the answer is 30 years!
Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years! Ooh-ah, perhaps she'd be able to help me and my style out, eh?
Linds x
Oooh Lucy has been in the fashion biz for thirty years / three whole decades!
Fingers and tragically unshod toes crossed - need all the help I can get at the moment. ;)
Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years
30 years... what a star!
Fingers crossed for everyone... but especially myself :)
aimz x
WHooHOooo So exciting!! I want in! I want in!!
Lucy has been around for 30 years!!!
Thirty years!! What an effort, and jeepers what a great giveaway. Just what the doctor ordered for my wilting wardrobe. Thanks Lady M!
What a great gift.
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years. And i'm going to need her help because I am a fashion tragic :)
Thirty years!! What an effort, and jeepers what a great giveaway. Just what the doctor ordered for my wilting wardrobe. Thanks Lady M!
Hey Lady M
Would love to enter this comp.
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 yrs.
she's done it for thirty years! eek! this is so exciting!
You're a darling Lady M for giving this prize to your readers!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 whopping years!
Love Melody x
Lucy's been in the fashion industry for 30 years. How wonderful!
This would be a HUGE help as I have to see my ex bf who is now married with child in a couple of weeks and I'm feeling completely drab about the whole thing.
good morning LM
Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for a big 30 years. 3 decades of amazing designers and fantastic new blood and great ideas.
What a great little comp.
30 years in the fashion industry for Lucy...ohhhhh I love this comp...
Thank you Lady M!!! xo
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for thirty years... almost as long as some of my dresses. And THAT is why I need new clothes.
Lucy has been in the industry for longer than I've been alive :) 30 years!
I have my fingers crossed!
Thirty years. How exciting, the suite looks very plush.
Poppy xox
What an awesome prize - Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years - wow - that's got be fun :)
Thanks :)
Wow its really gorgeous!
She has been in the industry for thirty years.
Thanks Lady x
Quite obviously it's 30 years!
I live in Launceston, and with my little one would find it difficult to get over for the day, but my bestest friend (who lives in Melbourne) would absolutely adore this prize :)
Thanks LM!
Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for a 30 years!
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Paul M x
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years. That was easy! Thanks for this great comp, the styling suite looks amazing!
Great competition! I will be far from Melbourne, but good luck :)
Enter my fashion giveaway @
Dear LM
Another great competition! Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for 30 years. I am wishing myself good luck in winning this fantastic comp! Maria, Vintage Suburbia xx
30 years! 30 years! 30 years!
A-MAZ-ING giveaway, best yet!
Dear LM!
You certainly do look after your readers. I am going to take a stab in the dark here and say 31 - 31.5 years as the website was created in 2008 and I am hoping they have not updated her profile since! ... Actually not hoping, praying, they haven't!
Always looking fabulous Lady M!
Hi Lady M, Lucy has been the business in the business for 30 years. Such a great competition, you've inspired me to save up so I can go even if I don't win!
How fantastic!
It is my little sister's birthday the day before so if I were to win I would gift this to her (a Melbourne resident). Lovely Lucy has been in the biz for 30 years. Thanks Lady Melbourne! xo
Awesome possum pictures and L lovelovelove your blog...its my fashion inspiration :D
Oh and Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
Thanks LadyM!
What a generous lady you are! I love Westfield Doncaster, I found the perfect dress for my 21st there, after searching high and low for weeks! I should have gone there first!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years, therefore she can advise me any day!
Love that you agree that to give means more than receive. Even if I don't win this, you will make someones day :)
x x
Hi Lady M,
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years!
Cheerio xxx
30 years is a wonderful time to spend in the fashion industry...what passion. Oh how i'd die of joy if I won!
Wowee what a great competition! Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years.
Jetsetting Joyce
I believe Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years :)
Good luck everyone!
hello Lady Melbourne!
Lucy has spent 30 years in the fashion industry =)
I stumbled across your blog around 5 months ago and swiftly saved it into my favourites for future inspection.... finally a few days ago at like 1am ... i was 'ooo.... i feel like expanding my vintage obsessed mind with a blog'.. and wallahh! i've been stapled here ever since.
love, rachel.
I'm guessing 30 years? :)
Thanks for the great opportunity Lady M.
30 years!
this would be amazing!
thank you lady m.
Thank you for being so generous with this giveaway!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
What an incredible prize!!
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years!
Have a lovely day Lady M!
Hello Lady M!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for thirty years.
Dear Lady M.
Lucy has been in the industry for thirty years! Lovely work from all of you and amazing giveaway too!
Now fingers crossed on this side of the screen :)
Isadora ♥
30 years, Lady M! I will be 40 weeks pregnant but def up for it (and Shoppingtown is up the road)
Thirty years!
30 years :) thanks for the comp
Hi Lady M,
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years!
what a fantastic prize!
ps. please excuse the old email account! :S
Hi Lady Melbourne.
I love your blog - just moved home to Melbourne after 4 years in London and Sydney.
Lucy has been in the industry 30 years. My mum helps her out occasionally with her fashion shows!!!
Oh wow, what an awesome prize! Shopping at Westfield doncaster is so much fun, love the photos of the pretty decor!
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years :)
Hmmmm now let me think (tick tock, tick tock). Would it be 30 years?
I think it may be.
awesome prize!
Lucy has been in the industry 30 years :)
Ms Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years!
What a great competition - the inside looks so luxurious! ^__^
Thirty years... and counting. This is a very generous prize, would be lovely to win!
I was at Doncaster Westfield today, and nearly found myself pressing my nose intently on the glass to the styling suite taking it all in.
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for thirty (amazingly glorious, no doubt) years.
30 years LM! The styling suite is fab xx
Lucy has been in the biz for 30 years!!
Fingers crossed everyone!
Research shows me that Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion business for 30 years.
I'd love to meet her on a Saturday afternoon for some free styling tips, fantastic stuff.
Madame H
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years!
30yrs! Thanks LM
Dear Lady M,
The answer is 30 years!
I heart Doncaster so much and would absolutely adore this prize!
Lady M, you're one tough negotiator!
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
Thank you kindly!
Hi Lady M,
Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years!
I'm from Sydney and will be in Melbourne for the first time that weekend, so this would absolutely wonderful to win!
Ooh! Great competition! Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years!
The styling suite looks absolutely beautiful! My wardrobe most definitely needs some spicing up. This would be elite!
Always a pleasure reading your blog! =)
Thirty years!
The place looks just so luxurious and beautiful. What a prize and what a great comp !
Dear Lady M
The answer is 30 years.
Would it help me win if I say I'm a good friend of A Bond and I follow your blog because of him and he is coming back in March for 2 weeks and you are invited to his welcome home party? :)
Lady M,
What a stylish giveaway. Lucy has been in the fashion industry a big 3-0 years!
30 years !
What a fabulous competition !
oh what an amazing giveaway!
Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years- wow!
1) I will be in Melbourne on that date and at that time (OMFG, right?)
2) Lucy has been in the Fashion industry for 30 years.
Yaaaaaaay !!!
Lady M,
I believe Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years...
And truly what an amazing prize!!
I don't think I have ever commented on your blog, but I read it every week, I just love it!
30 years!! i can't tell you how much i need a new hairstyle after years and years of battling bad hair days...and who can resist a shopping spree? :-p
gosh Lady M! you're so sweet for working something out for your readers too. and that's why i (and the rest of us here) love coming back to your blog! (:
i've walked passed the styling suite and wondered to myself, "wow what a grand place. one must feel like royalty when in there." did you?
perhaps i can feel like royalty one day too? here's my answer to enter the comp - Lucy Kiraly's expertise and involvement in the industry turns a big three-oh! can't mess with thirty years of experience.
ps. sorry for such a long comment! thanks for being so kind, Lady M! (:
so beautiful!
30 Years of experiences! wow, i hope i could do sth for 30 years as well!
Thank you lady M!
30 Years!
Ooohh $250, a styling session AND on a weekend, I can do that!
My husband can look after our 1 year old and I can join the rest of the world again looking half decent.
PS I really enjoy reading your blog, keep it up.
Wow Lady M! What a great competition. Lucy Kiraly has been in the fahion industry for 30 years
Fab prize. I desperately need a wardrobe update! Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for 30 years. Fingers crossed.
Hello there fabulous Lady M,
Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
Btw, loving the t-shirt.
30 years!
Eeek, it looks so beautiful in there! Wow.
Yay! Very exciting, I would love to win this and as I can see, so do many others! The lovely Lucy has been working in fashion for 30 years! What a treat it would be to be styled by her.
Kimber xox
Why, I do believe she's been in the industry for thirty years!
If I won this, it could not come at a better time - beginning uni (they'll be making a baby journo out of me ^_^) and wantinng some new outfits, but being decidedly broke!
30 years! I love to win!! *fingers crossed*
She's been in the business 30 years. What a stunning suite!
She's been in the business 30 years. What a stunning suite!
30 years, which means I was only a wee 5 year old when she was thinking and living fashion and all I could think about was ice cream
Sleekit x
Wow!! What an exciting competition!
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years!
Thank you Lady M for yet another fantastic read and comp.
X Grace
(I hope there's room in the styling suite for an expectant mother in dire need to hop out of her trekkies!)
Lovely gesture from the Westfield Doncaster team.
And Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
lucy has worked in the fashion industry for 30 years,,, daniel x
sweet to the suite!!!!
( -.-)
the bunny thinks 30 years
Sleekit x
The lovely Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years. Can you believe it? That's an amazing feat.
Everytime I am in Doncaster I always have a sneak peak of the suite and hope that one day I could pop into the lap of luxury. The images are wonderful.
GREAT contest! the new westfield is sooo nice! Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years :)
ucy has been in the fashion Lindustry and as such I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have access to her expertise!
ucy has been in the fashion Lindustry and as such I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have access to her expertise!
It would be Lucy - not ucy - who has been in the fashion industry for 30 years and I would LOVELOVELOVE to take advantage of her expertise.
what a great prize! lucy has been in the industry for 30 years. this woudl be so much fun!
She has been in the industry for 30 years...
I'm moving to Melbourne tommorow, this would be a lovely moving pressie :)
Love the Blog!
Oooooh What a SPLENDID prize!!
Well, Lucy is a very clever duck, she has been involved in the industry for 30yrs, is the director of the fashion team which produces fashion shows in Victoria, as well as being the owner of Giant Management... she's a pretty rock'in lady!
Sounds like so much fun~! Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years~! *fingers crossed* it's my birthday on 31st, would be a wonderful present!
Hey! Fantastic prize!
Lucy Kiraly has been in the Industry for 30 years...something to aspire to! xoxo Emily S
Hi Lady Melbourne,
I'm new to blogging and I must say i love your blog....i'm addicted to it. You make it so exciting and interesting for us readers.
As for the competition:
Lucy Kiraly has been in the fashion industry for thirty years. I hope I win it...I've never won anything in my life. Cheers.
Plush!! I would LOVE to win! Lucy has been in the industry 30 years...and with a name like Kiraly she sounds Hungarian. :-D Kiraly transates to King in English!
Put your shoes on lucy, dont you know you're in the city!
lucy kiraly has been in the industry for thirty years, but does'nt look it! ;) x
what a fun prize!
It's been 30 years for Lucy!
That place looks divine!
30 years...
thank you!
Love the blog! Lucy Kiraly has been in the industry for thirty years.
Good luck everyone!
Oh, I love that you're sharing...
Lucy's been in the industry 30 years. Wow!
You didn't mention my favourite thing about Doncaster - a parking guidance system! I love that place.
30 years, 30 years, 30 years!!!
what a fab giveaway ♥
How lovely you are Lady M to think of us!
Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years. Wow!
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years.
Beautiful photos - Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years :)
Great get LM, how come my dreams don't come true like that! LOL.
30 fabulous years for Lucy...the ultimate stylette (besides yourself of course).
Wow, what a prize LM! :O
Lucy's been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years. Long time, probably super talented at what she does!
Love Doncaster, I'm very lucky to live within walking distance!
Lady M, you are such an inspiration! :) Your heels are gorgeous too!!
And Lucy has been in the fashion industry for 30 years.
Joanne xo
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years
PS. WOW! Amazing prize, and how very nice of you to think of us!
Lucy Kiraly has been involved in the fashion industry for 30 years
PS. WOW! Amazing prize, and how very nice of you to think of us!
Must join in - Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years
Lucys been in fashion for thirty years! pick me pick me :D
Over 30 years
Thirty years lucy has been in the industry. Crossing my fingers!
The magic number is - 30 years.
Love the blog Lady M!
The magic number is - 30 years.
Love the blog Lady M!
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years!!
*fingers crossed, fingers crossed*
30 Years! XXXX all fingers crossed!
Cheers Grace
lucy kiraly has been in the industry for 30 years! great comp, lady melbourne! x
30 years! :)
Oh my oh my oh my. I've been eying that suite for ages. Fingers crossed!
Hi LM,
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years!
I been seriously 'involved' in my relationship with the fashion industry for about half that time.
Oh yay, what a cool comp to boot my laptop up to! Lucy's been at it 30 years (so hopefully she'll be able to work her magic on me... I'm thinking less cyber-net-dag, more city-chic???)
*fingers crossed!*
Thirty years! Love the blog, thanks!
30 years :)
Loxy xo
30 years!
Eek! What an awesome prize!
Lucy has been involved in the fashion industry for thirty years. Wow there are so many entries. Good luck everyone, me included, ha xxx
Lucy has been in the fashion industry 30 years! amazing.
Doncaster is so great, such an amazing prize
G. x
30 years , she's been in this industry!
How amazing, It's my birthday today, so i hope I win! It'd make a lovely birthday present <3
She has been in the industry for 30 years!
I'm in Melbourne at the end of the month this would make my trip a little bit more exciting!
Lucy has been in the industry for 3 years!
Lucy has been in the industry for 30 years!
Dear Lady M,
Thank you for an exceptional competition for your readers.
You are divine, as always.
Jody C.
wow! 160 responses.
lucy has been doing her thang for 30 years!
the answer is 30 years.
Thanks for this giveaway!
love the decor!!! tres chic!
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